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Friday, March 20, 2009

More unexpected rest

Matthew 11:28 (New International Version)

28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Amen indeed. Today, God has given me rest from the most unexpected of people. Just now, I went to meet with my supervisor. Like every other meeting, I was nervous, paranoid, and pessimistic. Because of a bad past, my teammates and I are afraid of meeting with him. For the past, he is sometimes somewhat degrading on our work, which caused us very paranoid at times, hence the occasional panicking.

But it was different this time. He was very positive as we explained all our attempted methods to solve the problem with the timing. And he was very understandable and concerned. Prior to the meeting, we were afraid he use this ultimatum: "It's your project guys, so you guys have to find the solution by yourself..."

But instead he said these very words: "I think you guys need my help, I'll come over on Monday to have a look at the options available and we will try to solve this problem..."

Oh my God! Praise You! What a have a supervisor so supportive, even for a moment of time. The turn of events are just amazing. We are gaining more favor from the supervisor, although our stumbling block is still there, but as least our supervisor is with us in this. Praise God!

Thanks for the prayers, God is moving in my Final Year Project. And the time will come for breakthrough to happen!

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