Was busy doing my tutes on the free diary Monash gave and I stumbled upon this: Hope it helps.
How to Survive Exam Weeks
Here are just a few tips to help you through exam weeks;
- Take time to relax - Cope with your excess tension before and between exams through rest, exercise and deep muscle relaxation. For example, long walks and bike rides are excellent ways to release nervous energy and maintain your stamina for the duration of your exam period.
- Adopt a positive approach - To avoid becoming too anxious, look at the exam as the application step of your study efforts, instead of a threatening new experience.
- Anxiety is Contagious - Keep away from people who are highly anxious before exams, because their nervousness may tend to increase your own.
- Plan Rewards - Schedule a meal, a movie, a handball game, a visit with a friend periodically throughout finals. Plan a treat when they're all done. These help keep your spirits up.
- Vary What You Study - Don't study for two similar courses consecutively. It is better to break the pattern with a completely different study approach. For example, study Chemistry and then French instead of Chemistry then Physics.
- Schedule Breaks - Respect your concentration span. Especially if you haven't studied much all semester, it may be difficult to study for several hours at a time. Starting your exam period with impossibly long study periods is likely to leave you exhausted before it is all over.
- Stay With Your Routine - Stick to your normal daily routine as much as possible. If you do get off your routine and need extra time, avoid staying up all night; go to bed at your regular time and get up a couple of hours earlier than you normally would, to continue studying. You will be able to understand and remember more when your are rested than you would if you postpone rest.
- Depend On God - This is the time where one can either be further away from God or closer to God. God is always there for you to depend on. Depend on Him and share the burden and anxiety with Him.
Self help information is available at this site.
Taken from: Monash University - 2008 Diary
Hope this helps and all the best in your studies. =)
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