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Currently Playing: God of War Collection

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Just had my 2nd last paper earlier today. It went well. All glory to God really. There were times (yea, more than once) that my mind just went blank on me during the paper but once I prayed for calmness, the clarity of thought just came into my mind, and I managed to proceed. Thank You God!

Final paper: Advanced Dynamics.

MEC4428 : Advanced Dynamics


Instruction on advanced topics in dynamics, incorporating electromagnetics via D'Lambert's principle, Hamilton's equations and the virtual power (Jourdain/Kain) method. Focus on kinematics and dynamics of robotic structures and magnetoelectromechanical devices (motors, speakers, transducers, vibration sensors etc). Consideration of the inevitable and critical consequences of nonlinearities in dynamics response, including limit cycles and Poincare maps and flows. Reinforcement of concepts using computer analysis.


Students are expected to gain the ability to model the dynamics of systems incorporating mechanic, electrical, magnetic and other forma of energy storage and interaction, with consideration of the consequences of nonlinear behaviour. Computational work will provide the student with a reinforced understanding of advanced dynamics.

Personal experience/What I have learned: None of the above.

Seriously, this subject is nuts. I learned nothing what-so-ever. Currently trying to do, or rather copying tute solutions, to learn from it. God, I need You!!!

Once the papers are done, back to play/final year project. Can't wait for Wrath of the Lich King.

I can only get my copy on Friday tho. And I stumbled upon this amazing leveling guide.

Jame's WoTLK Leveling Guide

Really good stuff there.

Although I am about to have the hardest paper in my entire uni life this coming wednesday, I feel free....and lazy. -__-

I will try at least to complete one tutorial before I go to bed. Which I probably can't as well, because I took a 6 hour "nap" just now. Damn it.

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